

UNSW English Competit​ion

Emmaus College students in Years 7-12 are invited to participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) English paper. This competition provides students with the opportunity to engage in, and be assessed on, skills in reading and language in a range of contexts.

Specifically, the competition encourages students to read for meaning in literary texts; read for meaning in factual texts; identify and use textual devices, syntax and vocabulary.

The questions require students to locate, identify, interpret, infer and synthesise information in and about texts.

Students read a variety of texts which narrate, describe, explain, argue, persuade and review. The types of texts include extracts from picture books, novels, poems, play scripts, transcripts of interviews, letters, diary entries, advertisements, webpages, feature articles, opinion pieces and comics. These texts cover a range of topics and may include tables, diagrams, maps and other visual information.

Participation in these competitions may be recommended by teachers and will incur a small cost to students.

​Australian Mathematic Competition 

This event, sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank, is open to all students in Year 3-12. At Emmaus students in Years 7 – 9 are invited to participate.
The competition provides students with an opportunity to further practise and develop skills in numeracy and the opportunity to engage in a national competition.
The test takes place at school under the supervision of a teacher and incurs a small cost to the student. 

The Australian History Competition 

The Australian History Competition is prepared by the History Teachers’ Association of Australia and run in conjunction with The Giant Classroom.
The competition is offered to students in Years 8 and Year 10 and looks at extending students in the learning and teaching area of History.
At Emmaus, students studying HaSS in Year 8 or History in Year 10 are invited to participate in the competition.

Reade​r’s​ Cup 

Reading is priority for staff and students at Emmaus. In addition to focussing on quality reading tasks in classes, students from P-12 are encouraged to regularly visit and borrow from the College Library.
Students are invited to participate in the Reader's Cup – a state wide competition for young readers and will work with the Teacher-Librarian to prepare for the event. Held annually, this competition encourages students to read from a set of books and then compete with other school or library teams to answer quiz questions from the book.
Organised by the Qld Branch of the Children's Book Council of Australia and supported by Emmaus College, this competition promotes reading and the development of critical thinking skills. For more information you can visit:


This is a problem solving program for teams of students from both primary and secondary years.  They are required to solve demanding, open-ended challenges.  This competition provides an opportunity for students all around Australia with a passion for learning and problem solving to demonstrate their skills and talents in an exciting, vibrant and public way.

This is a national event that Emmaus College enters teams who can compete in a variety of challenges in the Applied Technology, Language Literature, Maths Engineering or Social Sciences fields.

Tutoring and Homewor​​​k Club

Emmaus College promotes opportunity for students to progress in their learning. The College recognises that students have a unique, individual style of learning that can always be enhanced and further developed.

To this end, the College provides a variety of opportunities outside of the class learning time for students to further develop skills and enhance learning outcomes.

Students in Years 3-6 are invited to attend Homework Club every Wednesday afternoon from 3.15pm until 4.00pm in the Library. During this time, students can seek assistance with their homework specifically, and more generally, ask questions about class tasks.

Students in Years 7-12 are invited to attend tutoring every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon from 3.15 – 4.00pm (see timetable below). The purpose of tutoring is to provide space for students to work with and discuss learning experiences and problems with other students outside of their class (peer tutoring) and to work more closely with a teacher to gain greater insight or a deeper understanding of various learning experiences.

Specifically, tutoring is an opportunity for students to develop skills and strategies that can guide them to the point of becoming independent, successful learners.

Tutoring and Homework Club takes place in the Library. 

​Math ​Math
​English ​Science
​Other subject areas by arrangement ​