Emmaus College is organised into four phases that cater for the learning needs of students across Prep to Year 12. These areas of the school incorporate:
Early Years (Prep – Year 2)
Junior Years (Year 3 – Year 6)
Middle Years (Year 7 – Year 9)
Senior Years (Year 10 – Year 12)
Each part of the school responds to the developmental needs of the learners, providing high quality teaching and learning matched to the students it serves.
Following are some of the considerations given to providing a learner centred education within each phase of the College.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Emmaus College, 2023
Early Years (Prep – Year 2)
The Early Years of schooling approximates to ages 4-7 years which ordinarily equates to Prep – Year 2. Transition points requiring particular monitoring are the entry and exit points of this stage of student development.
Within the Early Years, teachers provide scaffolding and support to students as they begin to develop independence, work towards challenges and learn to collaborate with others.
Students become familiar with routines and expectations of school life to capitalise on learning time.
Students are given multiple opportunities to activate and demonstrate knowledge and understanding and develop their thinking and reasoning skills. Students work towards learning intentions and success criteria that reflect high expectations.
Learning and teaching use the following subject areas:

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Emmaus College, 2023
Junior Years (Year 3 – Year 6)
Our Junior Years recognises and nurtures every student’s ability to work towards their individual potential – academically, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Opportunities allow for active engagement in a challenging and supportive learning environment where explicit and effective teaching strategies progress students' learning.
The age of students in this group approximates ages 8-11, which are students in Years 3 to Year 6.
Teachers continue to scaffold and support students to promote and develop independence in learning and provide opportunities for students to consolidate collaboration skills and gain success through working with others. Students gain experiences in becoming active and informed members of the community through interactive and contemporary learning and teaching.
Students are given multiple opportunities to activate and demonstrate knowledge and understanding and develop their thinking and reasoning skills. Students work towards learning intentions and success criteria that reflect high expectations.
Learning experiences are aligned are with ACARA and the Australian Curriculum - http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/.
Learning and teaching use the following subject areas:

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Emmaus College, 2023
Middle Years (Year 7 – Year 9)At Emmaus, the Middle Years encompass the formative years of secondary schooling – Years 7, 8 and 9, educating students between the ages of 12-14. At its core are the guiding principles of quality curriculum outlined by the Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority (ACARA); Brisbane Catholic Education and the Emmaus College Vision for Learning.
The Middle Years of learning prioritises a respectful and engaging learning environment that allows for the successful progression of student learning that recognises the various stages of spiritual, personal and cognitive development of young people.
A significant transition point is in the movement from the Junior Years of schooling to the Middle Years. At Emmaus there is particular focus on student transition from the primary section of the college and students entering from local Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Uniting, ecumenical and state schools.
In Years 7 and 8, students study a broad range of subjects. These opportunities allow students to explore a comprehensive and varied curriculum in preparation for choosing subjects from Year 9.
The subjects offered include:
- Religion
Humanities and Social Sciences - History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business
Health and Physical Education
Design and Technologies Food and Fibre Production - Agriculture
The Arts (Art; Drama)
Design Technology (Material and Technologies; Engineering and Materials; Food Specialisation; Digital Technologies)
Year 9, as the final stage of Middle Years, offers further opportunity for students to consolidate what they have learnt in core areas of the curriculum and to further develop their special talents in chosen electives.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Emmaus College, 2023
Senior Years (Year 10 - Year 12)
At Emmaus, the Senior Years includes Years 10, 11 and 12 and approximates ages of students from 15-18. Central to the Senior Years of schooling is the fundamental principles outlined by the Australian Curriculum and Reporting Authority (ACARA); Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) and the Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA).
The Senior Years of schooling prioritises a respectful learning environment that allows for the development of skills for progressing learning and providing students with opportunities to make informed and relevant choices about future learning.
In Year 10 priority is given to the transition from the Middle to the Senior phase of schooling and to help each individual student realise his or her potential, providing a challenging and diverse learning experience that serves as an introduction to the range of pathways the student may take in Years 11 and 12.
Students in Year 10 will study core subjects including – Religious Education, English, Mathematics and Science; and will have the opportunity to choose two electives:
Design Technologies, Food and Fibre Production - Agricultural Studies
Visual Art
Economics and Business
Certificate I Hospitality
Digital Technologies
Design Technologies Materials and Technologies
Health and Physical Education
- Design and Technologies Engineering and Materials
The continuation of Senior Studies into Year 11 is marked by a greater independence and the ability to more freely choose subjects in which students hold particular aptitude, interest and ability.
Students will have the opportunity to choose 2 electives that will be studied in both Year 11 and 12.
It is essential that the choice of subjects:
reflect the needs and talents of each individual
be based on developing interest, deepening knowledge, concepts and processes while preparing for employment or further study
be based on an understanding of the requirements for attaining a Queensland Certificate of Education.
It must be carefully noted that:
an appropriate Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) will be achieved if the student chooses subjects he/she enjoys and is able to succeed in
a realistic assessment of current capabilities needs to be undertaken. Please know that abilities continue to grow and develop differently for each learner and may not always be achieved in full before the completion of Year 12
learning and achieving personal goals can take multiple pathways
- prerequisites for tertiary courses must be taken into consideration.
Electives may be chosen from the following.
General Subjects
- Biology
- Chemistry
General Mathematics
Legal Studies
Mathematical Methods
Modern History
Physical Education
Specialist Mathematics
Study of Religion
Visual Art
Applied Subjects
- Agricultural Practices
- Media Arts in Practice
- Essential English
- Essential Mathematics
- Furnishing Skills
- Information & Communication Technology
- Religion & Ethics
- Science in Practice
- Sport and Recreation
- Visual Arts in Practice
Certificate Subjects
- SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness
- SIT20316 Certifictate II in Hospitality
- BSB30115 Certificate III in Business
Additional Certificate courses are available via school partnerships with TAFE and various employers.
Year 12, as the final year of Senior Years, offers further opportunity for students to consolidate learning and explore opportunities for attaining the Queensland Certificate of Education.